Jetson TK1(Old board) and ZED latest example problem


[1] Reason for Using the Old Platform:

I understand that it is rational to upgrade the board from the old TK1. However, I’ve invested a lot of time into this board to work again, and it’s almost finished. I just don’t want to give up now. If this doesn’t succeed, my 8-year-old Jetson TK1 board will end up in the trash bin, contributing to environmental pollution.

[2] Previous Steps:

I’m using ZED SDK version 1.1.1 because the Jetson TK1 only supports up to version 1.2, and the ZED homepage doesn’t have the 1.2 version available for download.

I received the calibration file for my camera’s serial number from ZED support via email, and I placed this configuration file into /usr/local/zed/settings. ZED Explorer runs successfully. Initially, “ZED Depth Viewer” output the following error message: “Use ZED Calibration tool to update your camera calibration! Your calibration seems outdated!” but it worked after I ran it with sudo.

[3] Error When Running Latest ZED SDK Samples:

I found a way to run example code on ZED homepage:

I want to follow the steps in the official guide, but ZED SDK 1.1.1 seems very different from the latest version.

The latest example code fails to run, giving the following error message:

"CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
CMake 3.5 or higher is required. You are running version

– Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!"

Question 1: The latest ZED examples include many useful features, like object detection. Is it impossible to run this example code on the Jetson TK1 (using ZED SDK 1.1.1)?

Question 2: I found the sample code for the TK1 under /usr/local/zed/sample/cpu and /usr/local/zed/sample/gpu:

[CPU Examples]:
Multi Input, Optimized Grab, Recorder, Save Depth, Simple Tracking, SVO Converter, SVO Playback, Tracking Viewer with OpenCV

[GPU Examples]:
Background Subtraction, Right Image Disparity

Because the CPU code is too slow and low in quality, I want to use the GPU, but there aren’t many sample codes available. I want to confirm if these are the only examples available with ZED SDK 1.1.1.

Hi @stm32h757,

Welcome to the Stereolabs forums, and props to you for re-using your TK1! :muscle:

Regarding the download of the ZED SDK, we’ve had a small issue recently with downloads, can you download the installer with this link:

I must warn you first, if you are using the ZED (the first one) camera, as it does not have any motion sensors, the Object Detection and Body Tracking functionalities are not available.

Additionally, the Object Detection module was introduced in ZED SDK 3.0, so you will have to be using at least this version if you wish to use it.

As you’ve seen, the ZED SDK GitHub repository samples support the latest version 4.1 of the ZED SDK. I can confirm the samples you have found are the ones available for version 1.1.1.

Thank you for your clarification; it will be very helpful for my future projects. I might consider moving to the latest platform next time. Using JTK1 was challenging experience than I anticipated.

I have one last question(This is the really last question, I truly appreciate all the answers you’ve provided so far) :

I noticed that the way to initialize ZED API has changed significantly between old and latest SDK versions.

[Old SDK]

Camera* zed = new Camera(HD720)
InitParams parameters;
parameters.unit = UNIT::METER;
parameters.camera_resolution = RESOLUTION::HD1080;
parameters.camera_fps = 30;

[Latest SDK]

// Create a ZED camera object
Camera zed;

// Set configuration parameters
InitParameters init_params;
init_params.camera_resolution = RESOLUTION::HD1080;
init_params.camera_fps = 30;

but there is no docs for old SDK, and only for latest one.

is there an official guide weblink for SDK v1.1.1 samples?
I have searched google and could not find releavant results.

if there is and official guide available, it would be very helpful,
However, if there is no one, that is okay – I’m just asking.

Thak you again.


This is my last question.

I successfully received your SDK version 1.2, thank you! However, I noticed that the file on the homepage is still for Jetson TX2.

Additionally, the ZED Depth Viewer is not running and gets stuck at the “Starting Self-Calibration in background…” message.

the ZED Explorer v1.2 is working perfectly.

Hi @stm32h757,

I’ve checked and our API reference online only goes back to 2.X versions, so the resources that you can base on are the samples provided in /usr/local/zed/sample, as well as the documentation you can find in /usr/local/zed/doc/API which includes HTML files you can open in your browser.

For using the ZED SDK, I would suggest trying the samples and see if those are functional as well, they should also run the ZED SDK self calibration.

Thank you very much!

I’ll check the documentation in the local file.

I didn’t realize the documentation was there.

I’ll also try the ZED SDK self-calibration. Thanks again!

I checked the samples following your guide on the sample location.

However, ZED SDK 1.2 is still not functioning properly, so I might have to use ZED SDK 1.1.1 instead.

The sample code on ZED SDK 1.2 also fails to complete calibration and doesn’t run, as shown in the video below. :

I’m not sure why this is happening. Only ZED Explorer works; ZED Depth Viewer and the sample code do not.

I placed the calibration file as per your instructions and even recalibrated the camera using the ZED Calibration tool, but the issue persists.

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