[ INFO] [1670333049.529311801]: ZED connection -> CAMERA FAILED TO SETUP

My Zed camera was working till today, but now its showing this setup error on running the ros driver. I have 2 Zed (Zed and Zed2i) cameras,
Other problems:

  1. if I am trying to run zed launch file its running the zed2i camera instead of zed camera when both are connected together.
  2. Earlier when both cameras were working it was showing ZED connection → CAMERA STREAM FAILED TO START for one of the cameras (I also tried to make seperate workspaces and changed camera ids but same error still persists)
    Can anyone tell why any of these is happening?

Hi @Sukriti-Shukla
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

This seems a technical issue. Please write an email to support@stereolabs.com adding all the details and the report file generated by the ZED Diagnostic tool.