Inconsistent BodyTracking coordinates

Hi there,

I’m trying to use the bodytracking feature and testing out different positions for the ZED2 in my ‘world’. I’ve noticed that depending on the position of the camera, sometimes the Z or Y coordinates come out wrong and are inconsistent.
I was wondering if the lighting of the floor can have anything to do with these incorrect coordinates output?
And I’m open to any tips to improve bodytracking coordinates output to be as accurate as possible.

Thanks in advance


Indeed the lightning conditions can have a significant impact on the performance as the detection is based on the RGB image.

To improve the accuracy, you can try to use a different “DEPTH MODE”.
By default in the sample, it uses the “ULTRA” mode but you can try to use the “NEURAL” (here: zed-sdk/body tracking/body tracking/cpp/src/main.cpp at master · stereolabs/zed-sdk · GitHub). This will improve the quality of the depth map calculated by the SDK.