IMU Acceleration data problem

The camera is placed on the table, it is stationary and does not move it, but the acceleration data is not close to 0, the Gyro data close 0

Interval: 3002us, Acc: {0.31452 -9.79906 -0.328217} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {-0.0749291 -0.117121 0.164024} deg/s
Interval: 2004us, Acc: {0.319312 -9.79428 -0.330608} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {-0.165385 0.069434 -0.0472136} deg/s
Interval: 3026us, Acc: {0.316912 -9.78951 -0.328217} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {-0.0742857 0.0698653 -0.107294} deg/s
Interval: 1972us, Acc: {0.31929 -9.77996 -0.323433} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {0.137586 -0.0232814 -0.0159368} deg/s
Interval: 2994us, Acc: {0.31449 -9.77519 -0.31865} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {-0.0137588 0.00798412 -0.0770734} deg/s
Interval: 1999us, Acc: {0.312082 -9.76804 -0.313866} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {0.0165282 -0.053881 -0.0470353} deg/s
Interval: 2996us, Acc: {0.309697 -9.77043 -0.316258} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {-0.0140607 0.0381439 0.0140855} deg/s
Interval: 2002us, Acc: {0.309705 -9.7752 -0.31865} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {0.0164849 0.038811 -0.0766326} deg/s
Interval: 3117us, Acc: {0.312104 -9.78234 -0.321061} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {-0.0141128 0.00704398 0.013922} deg/s
Interval: 1882us, Acc: {0.316889 -9.7871 -0.321061} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {-0.0139768 -0.0235508 -0.0165999} deg/s
Interval: 3003us, Acc: {0.319282 -9.78949 -0.321061} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {-0.135048 0.0074914 -0.0472884} deg/s
Interval: 1992us, Acc: {0.321682 -9.78948 -0.323453} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {-0.0745887 -0.0548246 0.0434715} deg/s
Interval: 2995us, Acc: {0.324082 -9.79187 -0.325845} [m/sec^2] , Gyro: {-0.0745923 -0.0239772 0.0436737} deg/s

Zed run Nvidia Orin board:
Camera Model: ZED 2
Serial Number:
Camera Firmware: 1523
Sensors Firmware: 778

Sensor Type: Accelerometer
Max Rate: 400Hz
Range: [-78.48 78.48] m/s²
Resolution: 0.00239502 m/s²
Noise Density: 0.00044 m/s²/√Hz
Random Walk: 0.0202 m/s²/s/√Hz

Sensor Type: Gyroscope
Max Rate: 400Hz
Range: [-1000 1000] °/s
Resolution: 0.0305176 °/s
Noise Density: 0.004992 °/s/√Hz
Random Walk: 0.0424 °/s/s/√Hz

test code come from /tutorials/sensor_data
cout << " \t Interval: " << interval << “us, Acc: {” << sensors_data.imu.linear_acceleration << "} [m/sec^2] " << “, Gyro: {” << sensors_data.imu.angular_velocity << “} deg/s” << endl;

Hi @kevin
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

What you read is correct. The camera is stable, so the angular velocities are zero. However, the gravity force affects the IMU sensor, so you are reading the components of the gravity acceleration along the main axes.