Running Depth Sensing sample … Press ‘Esc’ to quit
Press ‘s’ to save the point cloud
[Sample] Using default resolution
[2024-06-19 11:57:21 UTC][ZED][INFO] Logging level INFO
[2024-06-19 11:57:22 UTC][ZED][INFO] Using USB input… Switched to default resolution HD720
[2024-06-19 11:57:23 UTC][ZED][INFO] [Init] Depth mode: ULTRA
[2024-06-19 11:57:24 UTC][ZED][INFO] [Init] Camera successfully opened.
[2024-06-19 11:57:24 UTC][ZED][INFO] [Init] Camera FW version: 1523
[2024-06-19 11:57:24 UTC][ZED][INFO] [Init] Video mode: HD720@60
[2024-06-19 11:57:24 UTC][ZED][INFO] [Init] Serial Number: S/N 13473
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\c.jacquelin\PycharmProjects\testAPIZED\”, line 128, in
File “C:\Users\c.jacquelin\PycharmProjects\testAPIZED\”, line 97, in main
viewer.init(1, sys.argv, camera_model, res)
File “C:\Users\c.jacquelin\PycharmProjects\testAPIZED\ogl_viewer\”, line 237, in init
glutInit(_argc, _argv)
File “C:\Users\c.jacquelin\PycharmProjects\testAPIZED.venv\Lib\site-packages\OpenGL\GLUT\”, line 333, in glutInit
_base_glutInit( ctypes.byref(count), holder )
File “C:\Users\c.jacquelin\PycharmProjects\testAPIZED.venv\Lib\site-packages\OpenGL\platform\”, line 423, in call
raise error.NullFunctionError(
OpenGL.error.NullFunctionError: Attempt to call an undefined function glutInit, check for bool(glutInit) before calling