I have a question about ZED_Wrapper


  • Xavier AGX DevKit
  • ZED2


  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • nvidia-l4t-core 35.4.1-20230801124926
  • CUDA 11.4
  • ROS1 Noetic

ZED2 is connected normally, SDK installation and ros_wrapper installation are completed. rostopic echo /zed2/zed_node/imu value is entered normally, but /odom twist value is not collected normally. Is there a solution?

Hi @MeerKat98
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

Twist information is indeed not available

Thank you for your reply~! I am trying to implement a VIO system by linking with MAVROS using ZED2. If so, do I need a separate construction process to obtain the twist value among the data for ODOM?

You can extract it by differentiating consecutive odom poses, but this cannot provide good results in some cases.
For this reason, we are not implementing this feature.

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I just implemented robots_localization. Do you think it will be okay to do this, or is it suitable for using ZED2 on VIO?

Can you repost the questions? It’s not clear to me