But when I try to install the file using sudo dpkg -i stereolabs-zedx_0.5.4-MAX96712-L4T35.3.1_arm64.deb, I get the following log. What should I do?
root@ubuntu:~/zed_ws# sudo dpkg -i stereolabs-zedx_0.5.4-MAX96712-L4T35.3.1_arm64.deb
dpkg: regarding stereolabs-zedx_0.5.4-MAX96712-L4T35.3.1_arm64.deb containing stereolabs-zedx, pre-dependency problem:
stereolabs-zedx pre-depends on nvidia-l4t-core (>> 35.3-0)
nvidia-l4t-core is not installed.
dpkg: error processing archive stereolabs-zedx_0.5.4-MAX96712-L4T35.3.1_arm64.deb (–install):
pre-dependency problem - not installing stereolabs-zedx
Errors were encountered while processing:
Hi @sdk17586
you should not install the ZED X driver in the docker container. You must install the ZED SDK in the container.
The ZED X Driver must be installed on the host device.
I tried to follow your instructions. I used the docker image stereolabs/zed:4.0-tools-devel-jetson-jp5.1.1 I created a container with the following options:
docker run -it
–name zed_container
–network host
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
-e TZ=Asia/Seoul
-v /dev:/dev
-w /root
Inside this container, I installed the ZED_SDK_Tegra_L4T35.3_v4.0.7.zstd.run file.
and i i installed the stereolabs-zedx_0.5.4-MAX96712-L4T35.3.1_arm64.deb on the host device.
When I execute the command roslaunch zed_wrapper zedx.launch on the host, the camera works. However, when I run the same command inside the docker container, I get the output “CAMERA NOT DETECTED”.
You are simply missing things in your docker run command. Can you check out this link ZED X Advanced Topics | Stereolabs ? You should solve your issue within seconds with that