How to use nDiaplay in ZED game mode


i want to use nDisplay in ZED Game mode, i can take the ZED Pawn’s track Data and give it to cine camera actor and make the icvfx reference as cine camera actor, but when i try to play the level, it is showing the ZED Pawn


Can you try to change the main camera with the following blueprint ?

Here “self”, is your cine camera.

The setup works during normal simulation, but it fails in nDisplay. When casting through Switchboard to a render node, the render machine does not receive the camera data. Even after installing the ZED SDK on the render machine, the data streams correctly to a different machine but not to the render machine.


I’m not familiar with nDisplay myself, so I’m not sure what’s wrong here but you need to send the camera data over the render machine as well (somehow).
I don’t think you need the ZED SDK on the render machine as it should only expect the data from the camera.
How the data is “streamed”? Maybe something is missing there.

Best regards,
Benjamin V.

Stereolabs Support

Why can’t we trigger the ZED using Blueprint when nDisplay is launched (Event BeginPlay)? I think this might solve our problem. Is there any Blueprint to start the ZED?

Can you try to do something like this?