How to handle segmentation mask with OpenCVSharp?


I am looking for the appropriate way to handle the body tracking segmentation mask received from BodyData.mask.

I am trying to get an image that only shows the first detected body, based on the segmentation mask of the body tracking module.
For image processing I am using OpenCVSharp to make an OpenCvSharp.Mat where data is the IntPtr contained in BodyData.mask. I am able to create this matrix but a System.AccessViolationException appends when I want to clone it with the Mat.Clone() method to manipulate a copy of it.

I join you an example to reproduce my exception based on the C# implementation of the body tracking sample where I have activated enableSegmentation in the bodytracking parameters and tried to access to mask in the grabbing frame loop:

    // Render loop
    private void NativeWindow_Render(object sender, NativeWindowEventArgs e)
        OpenGL.CoreUI.NativeWindow nativeWindow = (OpenGL.CoreUI.NativeWindow)sender;
        Gl.Viewport(0, 0, (int)nativeWindow.Width, (int)nativeWindow.Height);

        if (viewer.isAvailable() && zedCamera.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)
            if (imageLeft.IsInit())
                // Retrieve left image
                zedCamera.RetrieveMeasure(pointCloud, sl.MEASURE.XYZRGBA, sl.MEM.CPU, pcRes);
                zedCamera.RetrieveImage(imageLeft, sl.VIEW.LEFT, sl.MEM.CPU, displayRes);
                zedCamera.GetPosition(ref camPose, REFERENCE_FRAME.WORLD);

                // Retrieve Objects
                zedCamera.RetrieveBodies(ref bodies, ref bt_runtime_parameters);

                TrackingViewer.render_2D(ref imageLeftOcv, imgScale, ref bodies, isTrackingON, bt_params.bodyFormat);

                //Update GL View
                viewer.update(pointCloud, bodies, camPose);

                if (isPlayback && zedCamera.GetSVOPosition() == zedCamera.GetSVONumberOfFrames()) return;

                foreach (var body in bodies.bodiesList)
                    if (body.trackingState == OBJECT_TRACKING_STATE.OK)
                        var bb = body.boundingBox2D;

                        var topLeftCorner = bb[0];
                        var topRightCorner = bb[1];
                        var bottomRightCorner = bb[2];
                        var bottomLeftCorner = bb[3];

                        var width = (int)Math.Abs(topRightCorner.X - topLeftCorner.X);
                        var height = (int)Math.Abs(bottomLeftCorner.Y - topLeftCorner.Y);

                        using (var maskOcv = new OpenCvSharp.Mat(height, width, MatType.CV_8UC4, body.mask))
                            imageLeftOcv = maskOcv.Clone();
                Cv2.ImShow(window_name, imageLeftOcv);

The error message:
Exception non gérée : System.AccessViolationException: Tentative de lecture ou d’écriture de mémoire protégée. Cela indique souvent qu’une autre mémoire est endommagée.
Ă  OpenCvSharp.Internal.NativeMethods.core_Mat_clone(IntPtr self, IntPtr& returnValue)
Ă  OpenCvSharp.Mat.Clone()
Ă  sl.MainWindow.NativeWindow_Render(Object sender, NativeWindowEventArgs e) dans MainWindows.cs:ligne 267

“Thank you in advance for your assistance!”

Hi @VR_Neo, welcome to the forum!

First of all, I think you’re retrieving the mask in the wrong type, it should be CV_8UC1 since it’s an array of int from 0 to 255, one value per pixel, you will probably have weird masks if it worked as is.
I’ve not managed to get a clean mask 100% of the time on my side either, I’ll take a deeper look tomorrow, sorry for the delay.

As an alternative to the mask, you could use the bounding box to create a window just around the person you’re tracking, would that work for you?

Hello @JPlou,

Yes I didn’t think that the mask is a two dimensions matrix so it makes more sense to use CV_8UC1 . I changed my code with this fix but it’s not the main reason of this exception…

Using bounding box is not enougth in my case, I need a clean segmentation for Mixed Reality purpose. I suppose that I could use another segmentation neural network on the content of the bounding box but I’m afraid that adding this step won’t be effective in real time.


I found some issues in the csharp wrapper preventing the retrieve of the mask.
I’m fixing it and it will be available in the next ZED SDK release (4.1).

I also updated the Object Detection sample to correctly display the masks on top of the image.

Benjamin Vallon

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I am still having this issue with the 4.1 version of the SDK with a little difference: Now the exception is not immediate and appends in the first 10 seconds. When the access of segmentation mask is working, data is wrong as you can see on the image in attachment.

Hello @BenjaminV,

Do you have any solution for this new behavior?


The display of the mask is not implemented in the Body tracking that we share currently, therefore I had to make some modifications. However, I can successfully display the mask on the 2D Image with no issue.

I added the sample I used in the attachement, let me know if you still have issues with it.
I used the ZED SDK 4.1.2 but I don’t think it matters here (as long as you are using any 4.1.x version). (23.6 KB)

Hi @BenjaminV !

Even with your sample, manipulating mask data crashes the program after less than 5 seconds.

To test your sample I used ZED SDK 4.1.2 with Windows 10. Based on the CMakeLists the only difference is that I use .NETFramework v4.8 instead of .NETFramework v4.6.1.
I am not able to install 4.6.1 version because I already have a later version installed.
Can ZED SDK behave differently depending on the .NET framework?

Exception non gérée : System.AccessViolationException: Tentative de lecture ou d'écriture de mémoire protégée. Cela indique souvent qu'une autre mémoire est endommagée.
   Ă  OpenCvSharp.NativeMethods.imgproc_resize(IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, Size dsize, Double fx, Double fy, Int32 interpolation)
   Ă  OpenCvSharp.Cv2.Resize(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size dsize, Double fx, Double fy, InterpolationFlags interpolation)
   Ă  OpenCvSharp.Mat.Resize(Size dsize, Double fx, Double fy, InterpolationFlags interpolation)
   Ă  TrackingViewer.render_2D(Mat& left_display, float2 img_scale, Bodies& bodies, Boolean showOnlyOK, BODY_FORMAT body_format, Boolean render_mask) dans D:\Dev\RiderProjects\ZedMask
\TrackingViewer.cs:ligne 112
   Ă  sl.MainWindow.NativeWindow_Render(Object sender, NativeWindowEventArgs e) dans D:\Dev\RiderProjects\ZedMask\MainWindow.cs:ligne 236
   Ă  OpenGL.CoreUI.NativeWindowWinNT.WindowsWndProc_PAINT(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) dans C:\projects\opengl-net\OpenGL.Net.CoreUI\NativeWindowWinNT.cs:ligne 135     

Process finished with exit code -1,073,740,771.


Indeed, The SVO I used initially was not reproducing the issue.
This problem seems to also happen with the C++ sample, the problem most likely comes from the SDK directly, not the csharp wrapper.

I shared the issue internally with the team, so they can investigate and fix it hopefully for the next version.

Sorry for the inconvience.


Thanks you for transmitting it!

For now, I am catching the exception by adding those two decorators to my method but it is quite dirty :sweat_smile: and I lose a lot of frames:


Hi Benjamin!

Is this issue resolved in 4.1.3 ?