I’m using jetson AGX ORIN.
How many zed x one cameras can I connect to a zed quad board?
Can I connect 8 zedx one cameras?
I’m using jetson AGX ORIN.
How many zed x one cameras can I connect to a zed quad board?
Can I connect 8 zedx one cameras?
Hi @salary,
Welcome to the Stereolabs forums
At the moment, you can connect up to 4x ZED One on a ZED Link Quad Capture card.
Thanks for quick reply.
Is it right that i can connect up to 4 zedx cameras also?
Hi @salary,
That is correct, you can also connect up to 4x ZED X cameras.
Hi, @mattrouss
I want to use 8(eight) x “ZEDX one” cameras with “ZED Link Quad Capture” on Jetson AGP orin board
Is it possible?
For the moment the maximum number of ZED One cameras that can be connected on a ZED Link Quad Captur is 4.
However, a specific driver that will allow the connection of 8 ZED Ones is currently under active development and should be available later this year.
Thanks, @BenjaminV
I already have a “ZED Link Quad Capture board” and a “ZEDX one” camera modules, so according to what you say, with the new driver(SW) that is supposed to be developed within this year, I will be able to use 8 “ZEDX ones” cameras?
(with no HW changes)
Yes it will be compatible with the Quad capture card. However, It will only support up to 6 IMUs. Meaning that if you use 8 Zed One cameras, you will not have access to the IMU data of 2 of them.
That you say IMU DATA means accelerometer data? thats no problem. Is it possible to receive 8 camera images simultaneously?
Yes, that will be possible with the new driver.
i have currently AGX Orin 64GB also and zed QUAD capture card, when i try to record 1080p60fps in 3 zed x mini cameras it wont work(drop frames are 90%). is it because of 1A power limits the card? or jetson IO BUS bandwidth issues?
Following up on this thread, has the driver for 8 ZedXOne been released?