How do I adjust the avatars height based on the users height?
You could use either the length of the bones or the height of the head to get the users’ height. Then, I think the best way is to apply a scale factor based on the user’s height and the avatar’s height. Scaling bones individually is trickier, I don’t have a solution to propose for this right now.
You’d also have to apply the height difference obtained from your factor to the position of the avatar so the feet are not in the ground (or the legs bent).
Thanks - will try this out soon & try to think of something.
I’ll let you know, if i have related follow up questions.
I used the keypoints of the human body, instead of an invisible avatar - that tracked a lot better!
Sorry for replying to this old post, but I did not want to open a new post for the same topic. I am scaling the avatar based on the user’s height, which seems to work, but now the avatar’s feet are off the ground and adjusting the transform.position.y makes no difference. Do you have any suggestions on how to apply the height difference to the position of the avatar?