How can I do navigation and localization with zed camera.
Hi @alpgrgn
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.
Can you please provide more information? Your request is too generic.
Are you using ROS? ROS2? Other frameworks?
Are you using the ZED SDK natively?
Other important information?
I am using ros melodic I have installed the ZED SDK packages zed_ros_example and zed_wrapper.
Do you have any knowledge regarding the ROS navigation stack?
I think I need to do localization first, do you know?
Localization is usually performed with the AMCL node, but it requires a 2D Laser scan.
If you decide to use it you can use this example to generate a virtual 2D laser scan:
I did that and now I’m trying to navigate, but when I give direction in rviz, it doesn’t draw the road. I can get speed information with rostopic echo, but angle values are not coming.
Hi @alpgrgn
this seems to be a ROS configuration issue, so I suggest you ask on where the ROS community can provide you with better and more detailed information.