How can I display a 3D point cloud map on a web page?

I am trying to display a 3D point cloud map as shown in the below image on my web application using CesiumJS.

I am not sure where I am doing it wrong.

ZED2i Camera
ZED BOX Xavier™ NX 8GB

I am using the spatial mapping to get the 3D point cloud data from the ZED2i camera, but the point cloud I am getting isn’t as good as I shown in the above image (I need 3D Map like this map).

Upon running the ZED SDK spatial mapping python sample, I am getting the mesh file (mesh.obj), but upon viewing the output file on online editor the view isn’t as good as it should be.

I tried the mapping with diffent options but the result is kind of same.

Attached the point cloud files (*.obj) with this post.

Point cloud of my “obj” file is given below:

I can provide my original *.obj files, but I am unable to upload with the post because I am a new user.

Any help will be appreciated.

For how long did you scan ?
The spatial mapping relies on the positional tracking of the cameras, thus it can drift. The longer you scan, the more drift you’ll have.

I am scanning the room by keeping the camera steady (in my hand) and moving it with my hand to look other way.
And I just scanned it for a minute or two.

I am scanning the room by keeping the camera steady (in my hand) and moving it with my hand to look other way.
And I just scanned it for a minute or two.

[Discourse post]

Can you send a SVO and the obj file so that we can investigate ?

I have the files, but how can I send you the files?
I am getting the below message while uploading the files:
“Sorry, new users can not upload attachments.”

I uploaded the file on my google drive. I will appreciate if you can please get the files from there.
Here is the link to folder: StereoLabs - Google Drive


You should move more, your camera is nearly static and you only change its orientation.
With ZEDfu default’s parameter, I obtain this :

We have tried following methods and settings to create 3D Map and the results are shown below

Google Drive Folder Link
(see all of below files in google drive folder)
.ply file without textures

.obj file with texture

but we want to generate the map like below

The area scanned by the ZED2i has empty area where point cloud not available that’s why we cannot generate a full map