How can i access to the Instanciated Avatars in the scene, and get my gameobject which attached to my customed avatar, body tracking module

when i browsed through the thread , the alternative solution to attach a gameobject to each of the instanciate avatar, and follow the exact position and rotation of that bone, is by set the gameobject the child of the hierachy of the avatar bone,(me use head),
now i want to access to each of that gameobject, activate only one and deactivate the rest use a hotkey or toggle button, how can i access to each of the instance of avatar in a foreach loop of the current detected bodies?
i try to subscribe to the OnBodyTracking event to access the body, or actually i dont need to do this?


private Dictionary<int,GameObject> currentDetectedCameras;
public Dictionary<int, GameObject> CurrentDetectedCameras { get => currentDetectedCameras;}

private GameObject[] Cameras;
private int currentCam;
public GameObject DefaultCamera;

void Start()
    currentDetectedCameras = new Dictionary<int,GameObject>(); //camera id, that exact npc's prefab
        zedManager.OnBodyTracking += OnBodyTrackingFrame;

private void OnBodyTrackingFrame(BodyTrackingFrame bodyFrame)
    List<int> remainingKeyList = new List<int>(currentDetectedCameras.Keys);

    //List<DetectedBody> currentlyTrackedBodies;
    var missingBodies = currentDetectedCameras.Where(existingBodies => !bodyFrame.detectedBodies.Select(detectedBodies =>;

    if(bodyFrame.bodyCount > 0)
        bodyFrame.detectedBodies.ForEach(body =>
                spawned = true;
                int camera_id =;
                if (!currentDetectedCameras.ContainsKey(camera_id))
                    GameObject child = originalGameObject.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
                    //currentDetectedCameras.Add(camera_id, Prefab);
                    var Prefab = currentDetectedCameras.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == camera_id).Value;
            missingBodies.ForEach(existingBody =>


Yes, you can subscribe to this event that will be trigger each time Unity receives new skeleton data.

We are doing something similar to update all the avatars in the scene, or spawn new one if necessary (