Help navigating new hardware/software package

Hi! I am new to Stereolabs and want to put the best foot forward. I am designing an application for an autonomous indoor robot that handles objects. I want the camera to provide functionality for custom object detection & tracking and collision avoidance (and potentially object scanning). Aside from the functionality, I am mainly looking for the most recommended path for easiest implementation. It looks like the Zed 2 or Zed X mini would be best with the Jetson Nano and ROS2. Please let me know your thoughts!

Hi @bstout
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

If you need custom object detection you must modify the ZED ROS2 Wrapper to ingest your custom-detected bounding boxes. The ROS2 Wrapper indeed does not support custom object detection for the moment. You can read more here:

The Jetson Nano is underpowered to use a ZED 2 with AI and ROS 2, we suggest at least a Jetson Xavier NX.
The ZED X Mini instead requires a Jetson AGX (Orin or Xavier) with a GMSL 2 capture card.
We will add support for NX models soon.

Thanks @Myzhar just to confirm - is ROS2 the recommended (or most supported) platform? Would custom object detection work better in ROS1 or another platform?

We suggest you use the ROS 2 Wrapper.
ROS 1 is close to EOL and we are slowly ceasing the support for it.
New features will be added to ROS 2 only.

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