grab() gets slower when svo gets larger

Hi, I am currently developing software based on the ZED Mini.

We are experiencing an issue with the ZED SDK’s frame grabbing speed.
Our pipeline takes an SVO file as input and processes it using AI models.
However, the frame grabbing speed from SVO files varies depending on the file size.

For example, when processing an SVO file with around 1,000 frames, our GStreamer pipeline runs at 30 FPS.
However, when the SVO file contains over 100,000 frames, the same pipeline runs at only 4 FPS.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!

We have been able to reproduce the issue internally and have logged the issue in order to replay long lasting SVO sequences.
In the meantime, we recommend recording SVOs no longer than 10 min long to avoid the issues you have encountered.
Our API provides functions to start/stop SVO recordings that can be used to record chunks of SVOs sucessively:
For SVOs that you have already recorded, the ZED_SVO_Editor tool allow to cut a long SVO into chunks with the -cut option.

Best regards,

StereoLabs Support

Stereolabs Support