GPS point after fusion is Matching with actual

Hi Team,

I am currently working on detecting the location of an object using the camera_to_geo method, but the GPS coordinates after fusion do not seem to match the actual location.

For context, I have mounted a ZED2i Camera and a ZED Box with GNSS on a car. Below is the code I am using to calculate the GPS point. Could you kindly help me identify if I’m missing anything or if there’s a specific step I should take to ensure the correct GPS output?




#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np

import argparse
import torch
import cv2
import as sl
from ultralytics import YOLO
from ultralytics.engine.results import Results

from threading import Lock, Thread
from time import sleep
from typing import List
import exporter.KMLExporter as export
from display.generic_display import GenericDisplay
from exporter.gnss_saver import get_current_datetime, GNSSSaver
from gps_reader.gnss_replay import GNSSReplay
from gps_reader.gpsd_reader import GPSDReader
from required_config import constant_file

# Globals
lock = Lock()
run_signal = False
exit_signal = False
image_net: np.ndarray = None
detections: List[sl.CustomMaskObjectData] = None
sl_mats: List[sl.Mat] = None  # We need it to keep the ownership of the sl.Mat

def xywh2abcd_(xywh: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    output = np.zeros((4, 2))

    # Center / Width / Height -> BBox corners coordinates
    x_min = (xywh[0] - 0.5 * xywh[2])
    x_max = (xywh[0] + 0.5 * xywh[2])
    y_min = (xywh[1] - 0.5 * xywh[3])
    y_max = (xywh[1] + 0.5 * xywh[3])

    # A ------ B
    # | Object |
    # D ------ C

    output[0][0] = x_min
    output[0][1] = y_min

    output[1][0] = x_max
    output[1][1] = y_min

    output[2][0] = x_max
    output[2][1] = y_max

    output[3][0] = x_min
    output[3][1] = y_max
    return output

def detections_to_custom_masks_(dets: Results) -> List[sl.CustomMaskObjectData]:
    global sl_mats
    output = []
    sl_mats = []
    for det in dets.cpu().numpy():
        # Creating ingestable objects for the ZED SDK
        obj = sl.CustomMaskObjectData()

        # Bounding box
        box = det.boxes
        xywh = box.xywh[0]
        abcd = xywh2abcd_(xywh)

        obj.bounding_box_2d = abcd
        obj.label = box.cls.item()
        obj.probability = box.conf.item()
        obj.is_grounded = False

        # Mask
        if det.masks is not None:
            mask_bin = ([0] * 255).astype(np.uint8)
            mask_bin = mask_bin[int(abcd[0][1]): int(abcd[2][1]),
                                int(abcd[0][0]): int(abcd[2][0])]
            if not mask_bin.flags.c_contiguous:
                mask_bin = np.ascontiguousarray(mask_bin)

            # Mask as a sl mat
            sl_mat = sl.Mat(width=mask_bin.shape[1],
            p_sl_as_cv = sl_mat.get_data()
            np.copyto(p_sl_as_cv, mask_bin)

            obj.box_mask = sl_mat
            print("[Warning] No mask found in the prediction. Did you use a seg model?")


    return output

def start_record(video_path, save_req, create_assets, create_notification):

    input_type = sl.InputType()
    if video_path is not None:
    init_params = sl.InitParameters(input_t=input_type, svo_real_time_mode=False)
    init_params.coordinate_units = sl.UNIT.METER
    init_params.depth_mode = sl.DEPTH_MODE.ULTRA  # QUALITY
    init_params.coordinate_system = sl.COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP
    init_params.depth_maximum_distance = 50

    # Initialize the camera
    print("Initializing Camera...")
    zed = sl.Camera()
    status =
    if status != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
    print("Camera Initialized")

    #Enable SVO recording :
    if video_path is None:
         svo_path = "ZED_SN" + str(zed.get_camera_information().serial_number) + "_" + get_current_datetime() + ".svo"
         returned_state = zed.enable_recording(sl.RecordingParameters(svo_path, sl.SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE.H264_LOSSLESS))
         if returned_state != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
             print("Recording ZED : " + repr(status) + ". Exit program.")

    # Create Fusion object:
    fusion = sl.Fusion()
    init_fusion_param = sl.InitFusionParameters()
    init_fusion_param.coordinate_units = sl.UNIT.METER
    fusion_init_code = fusion.init(init_fusion_param)
    if fusion_init_code != sl.FUSION_ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
        print("[ZED][ERROR] Failed to initialize fusion :" + repr(fusion_init_code) + ". Exit program")

    # Enable Positional Tracking
    positional_tracking_parameters = sl.PositionalTrackingParameters()
    # If the camera is static, uncomment the following line to have better performances and boxes sticked to the ground.
    # positional_tracking_parameters.set_as_static = True

    # Enable Object Detection
    obj_param = sl.ObjectDetectionParameters()
    obj_param.detection_model = sl.OBJECT_DETECTION_MODEL.CUSTOM_BOX_OBJECTS
    obj_param.enable_tracking = True
    obj_param.enable_segmentation = True

    # Display
    camera_infos = zed.get_camera_information()
    camera_res = camera_infos.camera_configuration.resolution

    # Create Fusion object:
    fusion = sl.Fusion()
    init_fusion_param = sl.InitFusionParameters()
    init_fusion_param.coordinate_units = sl.UNIT.METER
    fusion_init_code = fusion.init(init_fusion_param)
    if fusion_init_code != sl.FUSION_ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
        print("[ZED][ERROR] Failed to initialize fusion :" + repr(fusion_init_code) + ". Exit program")

    # Enable odometry publishing:
    configuration = sl.CommunicationParameters()

    # Enable GNSS data producing:
    if video_path is None:
        gnss_reader = GPSDReader()
        gnss_reader = GNSSReplay(None,zed)

    status_initialize = gnss_reader.initialize()
    if status_initialize == -1:

    # Subscribe to odometry:
    uuid = sl.CameraIdentifier(zed.get_camera_information().serial_number)
    fusion.subscribe(uuid, configuration, sl.Transform(0, 0, 0))

    # Enable positional tracking for Fusion object:
    positional_tracking_fusion_parameters = sl.PositionalTrackingFusionParameters()
    positional_tracking_fusion_parameters.enable_GNSS_fusion = True
    gnss_calibration_parameters = sl.GNSSCalibrationParameters()
    gnss_calibration_parameters.target_yaw_uncertainty = 0.1
    gnss_calibration_parameters.enable_translation_uncertainty_target = False
    gnss_calibration_parameters.enable_reinitialization = True
    gnss_calibration_parameters.gnss_vio_reinit_threshold = 5
    positional_tracking_fusion_parameters.gnss_calibration_parameters = gnss_calibration_parameters

    # Prepare runtime retrieval
    runtime_params = sl.RuntimeParameters()
    obj_runtime_param = sl.ObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters()
    image_left_tmp = sl.Mat()
    objects = sl.Objects()
    model = YOLO('/home/user/Documents/models/')
    zed_pose = sl.Pose()
    gnss_data_saver = GNSSSaver(zed)
    viewer = GenericDisplay()
    resolution = zed.get_camera_information().camera_configuration.resolution

    class_names = model.names
    while True:
        plot_frame = None
        if zed.grab(runtime_params) == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
            zed.get_position(zed_pose, sl.REFERENCE_FRAME.WORLD)
            # -- Get the image
            zed.retrieve_image(image_left_tmp, sl.VIEW.LEFT)
            image_net = image_left_tmp.get_data()
            img = cv2.cvtColor(image_net, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2RGB)
            img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGRA)
            det = model.track(img, save=False, retina_masks=True,device='cuda',persist=True, show=True,  verbose=False)[0]
            plot_frame = det.plot()
            # ZED CustomMasks format
            detections = detections_to_custom_masks_(det)

            # -- Ingest detections
            zed.retrieve_objects(objects, obj_runtime_param)
        # Get GNSS data:
        if video_path is None:
            status, input_gnss = gnss_reader.grab()
            status, input_gnss = gnss_reader.grab(zed_pose.timestamp.get_nanoseconds())
        if status.value == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS.value:
            # Display it on the Live Server

            # Publish GNSS data to Fusion
            ingest_error = fusion.ingest_gnss_data(input_gnss)
            if ingest_error == sl.FUSION_ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
                print("Ingest error occurred when ingesting GNSSData: ", ingest_error)
                latitude, longitude, altitude = input_gnss.get_coordinates(False)
                coordinates = {
                    "latitude": latitude,
                    "longitude": longitude,
                    "altitude": altitude,
                export.saveKMLData("raw_gnss.kml", coordinates)
                # Save GNSS data into JSON:
                print("Ingest error occurred when ingesting GNSSData: ", ingest_error)
        # Process data and compute positions:
        if fusion.process() == sl.FUSION_ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
            if save_req and plot_frame is not None:
                for obj in objects.object_list:
                    obj_translation = sl.Translation()
                    obj_translation.init_vector(obj.position[0], obj.position[1], obj.position[2])

                    obj_transform = sl.Transform()

                    obj_pose = sl.Pose()
                    object_geo_pose = sl.GeoPose()
                    fusion.camera_to_geo(obj_pose, object_geo_pose)
                    class_id = obj.raw_label  # Class ID
                    class_name = class_names.get(int(obj.raw_label))
                    if class_id == 29:


Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!


Thanks for your message,

A few questions :

  • Is your GNSS/VIO correctly initialized ?
  • What is the precision of your GNSS ? Are you able to get RTK precision signal ?
  • When you’re trying our global localization python live sample, do you get accurate results ?

Rodolphe Perrin

Stereolabs Support

Hi @RodolphePerrin,

Sorry for late reply

  1. Is your GNSS/VIO correctly initialized?
    Yes, it is.
  2. What is the precision of your GNSS? Are you able to get RTK precision signals?
    I have set the status to RTK_FIX and the mode to FIX_3D, but the precision signal we are receiving is DGNSS.
  3. When you’re trying our global localization Python live sample, do you get accurate results?
    Unfortunately, no. There is some uncertainty in the Fusion GNSS when running playback. Below is a screenshot illustrating the issue:

The yellow dots represent GNSS points, and the black line represents the fusion points.Here are the GNSS calibration parameters I have set:

    gnss_calibration_parameters = sl.GNSSCalibrationParameters()
    gnss_calibration_parameters.target_yaw_uncertainty = 7e-3
    gnss_calibration_parameters.enable_translation_uncertainty_target = False
    gnss_calibration_parameters.target_translation_uncertainty = 15e-2
    gnss_calibration_parameters.enable_reinitialization = True
    gnss_calibration_parameters.gnss_vio_reinit_threshold = 5

I’m not sure what’s causing the gap between the fusion (It seems to be undergoing calibration, but I’m not sure why!). Additionally, the fusion direction and GPS direction are not aligning. I am uploading the GPS data and video. Could you please help me identify the issue?

Gps Data:

SVO2 file

Additionally, I’m encountering another problem when calling get_fused_positional_tracking_status(). Sometimes I get an exception, but after restarting (without making any changes), it works fine. Here’s the error I’m seeing:

File "/usr/local/zed/samples/global_localization/playback/python/", line 141, in main
    current_state = fusion.get_fused_positional_tracking_status().tracking_fusion_status
File "pyzed/sl.pyx", line 12768, in
File "pyzed/sl.pyx", line 1430, in
OverflowError: can't convert negative value to unsigned int

Thanks in advance for your help


Thank your for your data input. Unfortunately, I cannot playback the data because of a timestamp mismatch issue between the SVO and the GPS data. It seems there is a 2 minutes difference between both.

To avoid this issue, please use our python recording sample : This should put the synchronized GPS data into your svo direclty to be replayed in the playback sample.

Looking quickly at your parameter, you can perhaps increase target_yaw_uncertainty to 1e-2 or a little bit more. It is true that DGNSS usually yields to less accurate results than with a proper RTK signal.

Rodolphe Perrin

Stereolabs Support

Regarding the bug you’re reported, we have logged this internally and will investigate.
Can you please let me know the report of the ZED_Diagnostic tool (json file) so I can get more insight about your setup ?

Stereolabs Support

Hi @RodolphePerrin

Sorry for that, I am uploading the another video which has been recorded using recording code from GitHub in these video also there is uncertainty

ZED_Diagnostic_Results.json (10.8 KB)


We have just released a new SDK with more updates to downlad (
One of the improvements is to introduce new depth modes like NEURAL that can be used as well as a new mode for localization GEN_3.

Doing the calibration between VIO/GNSS, have you been able to follow those best practices : ? A wrong calibration will yield to fusion issues like you seem to have in your screenshot.

For better, Visual Inertial results, you can also change your sl.InitParameters to use NEURAL with sl.PositionalTrackingParameters() with either GEN_1 or GEN_2.


Stereolabs Support