"GNSS DATA NEED FIX" Message in ZED SDK Global Localization with ZED-F9P RTK

We executing python code Golbal Localization from github

Our setup includes:

  • Hardware: ZED Box Orin NX 16GB with GPS Option: GPS RTK U-blox ZED-F9P
  • Software: ZED SDK (4.2)
  • Configuration: GPS RTK enabled and properly wired to the ZED BOX

When running the script, we are getting the message saying


Steps Taken:

  • Given GNSS module (ublox ANN-MB-00-00 L1,L2 multi band antena) has connected to ZED Box
  • Confirmed the GPS data stream is being received by monitoring /dev/ttyACM0
  • We are able to view gps or get location info info using GPSDClient

Request for Help:

  • What are the specific conditions in which the ZED SDK raises the “GNSS DATA NEED FIX” error?
  • What additional steps can we take to debug and resolve this issue?
  • Are there any known issues with the GPS RTK U-blox ZED-F9P integration with the ZED SDK?

Any guidance on identifying and resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Hi @karthikreddy157
did you follow the online documentation?

More specifically, did you start from this example code?