Getting segmentation fault during positional tracking

Hi , I am working with zed2i cam for positional tracking , While trying out positional tracking examples given in the zed-sdk examples , got segmentation fault.

Issue arises only when the area_file_path is set to the previously saved area memory and trying to localize wrt to the world frame.

ZED-SDK version = 4.2
Platform = Orin Nano (Jetpack 6.0 L4T36.3)

Positional Tracking Parameters:

  • positional_tracking_param.area_file_path = “codd3sh.area”;
  • positional_tracking_param.enable_imu_fusion = false;
  • positional_tracking_param.mode = sl::POSITIONAL_TRACKING_MODE::GEN_2;
  • positional_tracking_param.enable_pose_smoothing = true;

Please let me know is it the issue with sdk or the configuration ? If there is any more issue please let me know

Hi @mathanprasannakumar1,

Welcome to the Stereolabs community :wave:

I can confirm that we have already identified a bug in version 4.2.2 of the ZED SDK involving the area relocation file and positional tracking GEN_2.

We are currently investigating the issue and plan on providing a fix in the next patch release 4.2.3.

Hi @mattrouss ,

Thanks for the response and pointing out the underlying bug.

Will the the area memory re-localization will work properly for the lower zed-sdk version with the Positional tracking GEN1 / GEN2 ,

i am also facing the same issue with zed sdk 4.1.3 as well. and what is the suggested Postional tracking mode for area relocalization for now ?

below is the stdout info for the seg fault

Hi @mathanprasannakumar1,

The recommended mode for area relocalization is GEN_1 for now, while we work on fixes for GEN_2.

Do I understand correctly that you also have these issues on positional tracking GEN_1?

Hi @mattrouss ,

Thanks for the suggestion , in GEN_1 we havent faced seg fault as of now . But in GEN_1 tracking accuracy is pretty low and facing lot of deviations.

Hi @mathanprasannakumar1,

Just letting you know that we have identified the issue and will provide a fix in the next version of the ZED SDK, planned for before the end of the year.

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