Freeze app for body tracking AR after a few minutes.

I’m wroking on a product and usind Stereo Zed Camera body tracking module.
based on zed camera Unity Documentation build a scene and it’s worked.
but in run and buld mode after random time between 4 to 10 minutes app set to freeze.(not only screen the app set to freeze and need to force quit)
sometimes an error d3d dx11 appeared(not Always).
for re run the my project I need to restart OS(windows) and run again.
my Cuda version is 12.1.0_531.14
my GPU is Nvidia Geforce 4060 and driver is Updated
Ram 16gig (almost 12.2 Gig alocate for Using process)
Unity sdk version is 4.2 (lat version on stereolabs github)
Thank a lot if you give me useful tips about that.


I did not manage to reproduce your problem. Did you notice if it also happens in-Editor?

It would be very nice if you could share a project that reproduce the problem. You can send it our support address:

Thank dear Benjamin.
In Editor When after somtimes play and stop the project impact with similar Problem
and d3dx11 error(not sure it be the same problem).
but in Build freeze camera.
I Checked camera in windows and camera not working after problem.
I’ll try to capture a video of problem

Unfortunately, I did not manage to reproduce your issue.

Can you share a reliable way of reproducing your problem with a minimal project for example? You can share it at (I made a typo on the address in my last message, it fixed now).