Hi, I would like to point out that the ZED X camera extension is not working with the new release of Isaac SIM 4.0.
The omnigraph node is missing some features and it throws some errors:
[Error] [omni.graph] Error executing python callback sl.sensor.camera.ZED_Camera.compute
attribute /World/Graphs/ZED/zed_camera_streamer_01.inputs:fps not found
Can you please confirm that you have the extension version 1.1.0, and that it is working on the previous version? This will help us troubleshoot.
Yes I am using version 1.1.0 of the extension and in Isaac Sim 2023.1.1 it was working correctly.
Here is the omnigraph node in Isaac Sim 4.0.
- On the top is how I see the node if a file created in Isaac Sim 2023.1.1 is opened with Isaac Sim 4.
- On the bottom is how the node appear if I create it in Isaac Sim 4.0. It is missing many fields and they can’t be set.
This is the error that I obtain if I try to use the node from a IsaacSim 2023 file in Isaac Sim 4.
Assertion raised in compute - object of type 'BundleContents' has no len()
File ".../Isaac-Sim/4.0/exts/3/sl.sensor.camera-1.1.0+wx64.lx64.r.cp31/sl/sensor/camera/ogn/nodes/SlCameraStreamer.py", line 175, in compute
if not len(db.inputs.camera_prim) == 1:
Thank you for reporting this, support for Isaac Sim 4.0 is not currently available, we are currently working on adding support for this new version soon.
Hi there!
Given this chain is so fresh i was wondering if stereolabs have disabled omnigraph nodes on their Nvidia Isaac Sim Extension?
Basically, i loaded everything up yesterday and when i downloaded and installed the extension isaac sim said the extension had no omnigraph nodes!
it would be ideal if i did something wrong here, any else have this problem?