Double free or corruption (!prev)

My host is zed box and I use zedx one camera. My jet is version 5.1.1, and I downloaded the corresponding software package from the official website. When I run this zed_ros, the camera can work normally, and the camera video can also be seen in rviz, but after running for a while, the program will report an error. , zed died, the details are as follows:

The log content in ros is as follows:

I found that lowering the camera resolution will extend the running time of the program to a certain extent, but the program will still die. What should I do to solve this problem or get more information?Thanks for any response.
SDK: V4.2
ros : ros noetic

Hi @sxy1998123
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

Unfortunately, the ZED ROS Wrapper cannot work with a ZED X One in a monocular configuration.

We have a package for ROS 2 that will be replaced soon by a new component for the ZED ROS 2 Wrapper

All right. I will try to install ROS 2 in a docker and run this program. Thank you for your reply.

I have this error message as well. It works fine with rmw_fastrtps_cpp but fails when I switch to rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.

I’m running in a docker container. However, I haven’t yet upgraded to the latest zed wrapper. Is that necessary for the fix?

This was a different issue. Not related to a specific RMW configuration.