I’m trying to build a Docker container in which I can use the various ZED tools on Ubuntu 22.04. I’m up against a few conflicting issues:
- There doesn’t seem to be a GL enabled devel release that also works on 22.04. I think I saw a github issue where it was discussed that nividia hasn’t provided a base image that supports that, so StereoLabs doesn’t have anything to build on.
No big deal. I can base my own docker file on nvidia/cuda:12.1.1-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu22.04 and install the ZED SDK over the top.
- The problem I’m having is getting ZED_SDK_Ubuntu22_cuda12.1_v4.1.3.zstd.run to install cleanly and fully via Docker.
Because Docker runs everything as root, my RUN line looks like this:
RUN ZED_SDK_Ubuntu22_cuda12.1_v4.1.3.zstd.run – silent
That leads to a mostly working install, however ZED_Diagnostics complains about a corrupt Object Detection model. In fact, /usr/local/zed/resources is empty.
If I create and use a non root user to run the installer by hand, the Object Detection model seems to lay down ok. However, it’s a very interactive process and not one that’s going to work in Docker.
I’ve also tried installing the ZED SDK by hand, copying off the contents of /usr/local/zed and then mounting it back. However, ZED Diagnostics isn’t cool with that and still complains.
How do I get a complete install (preferably as a root user) in Docker?