Disabling 'Depth Occlusion' cuts camerafeed in half horizontally

Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong…

Hi @tschuurbiers
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

Please add more information and eventually a code snippet to replicate this behavior

This is just a checkbox on the Initializer blueprint that comes with the ZEDSamples Unreal Project, this is the ‘L_BodyTrackingMulti’ level.
If I disable said checkbox, it cuts the camera feed in half like in the initial post.
It does however still track human bodies.

It’s weird because this option is already disabled in this level and I don’t have any issue on my side.
Did you change anything else ?

Stereolabs Support

Nope, I did not

I need the Depth Occlusion turned off because I’m trying to create an application where you overlay clothing onto tracked humans. Therefore I need the ‘Show Zed Image’ to be enabled, but then it cuts the camera feed in half.

Quick update.

I did not manage to reproduce your issue yet.
I’ll let you know if I find something.

Benjamin V.

Stereolabs Support

Thanks for looking into it, I can drop or send you a WeTransfer link with the project? If that makes things easier?


Yes, having a project that reproduces the issue can definitely help.

You can share it at support@stereolabs.com if you prefer, to keep it private.

Benjamin V.

Stereolabs Support

I’ve sent you an email!

I’ve sent you an email!

[Discourse post]

For future devs that might run into the same problem;

Removing ExponentialHeightFog from your Unreal scene fixes the problem.

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