Determine if Zed2i has polarizing filter

Is there a way to determine if a Zed2i camera has a polarizing filter in software? There are no physical markings or indicators of polarization I’ve found on the camera. We have many polarized and non-polarized Zed2i’s around and they are hard to distinguish.


Thanks for your email.

In case you don’t have the package with you, you can put the camera in front of LCD screen and rotate the product. If the screen appears black in a certain direction the camera has a polarizer.

Best regards,

Orders & Shipping
Stereolabs Support

I will try that. It’d still be very useful to be able to detect this in software. The serial number / model number are not on the physical cameras which makes it very hard to track this information. We have dozens of polarized and non-polarized cameras and having to perform the LCD test isn’t optimal.


Hi Matthew,

We are sorry about this.

The cameras will have a label with the serial number and SKU soon.

Best regards,

Orders & Shipping
Stereolabs Support

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I am wondering what kind of the polarizer is? Is it a linear polarizer or a circular polarizer?