Hi, i have a ZED 2i Camera running on my jetson nano.

I just wanted to know if someone has checked the performance of NEURAL MODE vs ULTRA MODE depth maps.
I have attached a GPS module to my jetson also and if i go to NEURAL MODE it is poorly capable of doing both jobs at the same time, but it can perfectly manage to do them with ULTRA MODE.

So my question is, someone has checked if this two modes are very different? I know NEURAL MODE is better, but my question is, how much?

On my experiments are slightly different, but i want to check you opinions.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @CristianViSa
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

NEURAL Depth mode is highly demanding processing. The GPU of the Jetson Nano is not powerful enough to generate depth maps at a high frame rate when the NEURAL Depth mode is selected.