Custom PlayerController node setup


Trying to create a custom Player Controller extending the Zed Player Controller.

I get no errors but tracking does not work, the manny actor is created but seems like i never get the “On Body Tracking Retrieved” event.

First i set “Use default event begin” to false.
“Open Zed Camera at init” it set to true

This is my node setup in my player controller that i run at event begin play: Setup Zed posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

This is what ZpawnZedInitAndZedViz function look like:

Please help!


Can you confirm the ZED camera is correctly opened and running when you try to enable the body tracking module please?

Stereolabs Support


Thanks for getting back to me.

Well i have “open zed camera at init” set to true.
Do you mean that i should call “open zed camera” before calling init() in the player controller?

I would REALLY appreciate if you could give me a node setup for a custom playercontroller.
This is what i have now but UE crashes.

What am i doing wrong??

Should i spawn the zed initializer, and zed bodytracker manually before init?

Again, I would really appreciate a clear explanation on how to manually setup a custom player controller, what dynamically spawns the initializer and zed visualizer into the level.

I’m sorry but I’ve never tried to do something like that, I’m trying to help the best I can.

I’d have called “Init” once the ZED Camera actor is actually spawned. Did you try that?

Stereolabs Support