CUDA Installed During ZED SDK .run File?

I have flashed a zed box with jetpack v6 and installed the appropriate zed drivers and zed sdk versions.
I notice that when running the zed sdk .run file, it reports that CUDA is not detected and requires 12.2.
If I let it complete, I’m still able to run ZED_Explorer with two zed x mini cameras attached over gmsl2 and nvidia-smi detects that CUDA is installed (v12.2) even though the command nvcc is not detected and cuda is not listed at /usr/local/.
I was expecting the .run script to ask about installing CUDA but it does not.

Is this expected behavior?

Hi @jdcast
when you install the Jetpack 6 only the runtime version of the CUDA library is installed.
You must install also the development packages:
sudo apt install nvidia-jetpack nvidia-jetpack-dev

This is valid for desktop and laptop PCs, but NVIDIA Jetson are different