CSI2 MIPI Cable for Zed X Camera

Dear Stereolabs Support,

I am currently using the Zed X camera for development work on a drone and it worked out of the box with the original cables and settings.
After some initial usage, we accidentally broke the CSI2 MIPI cable that connects the Jetson to the capture card.

We attempted to use a custom cable with the same 22-to-22 pin configuration, but unfortunately, it did not work. Although the camera is detected when running ./ZED_Explorer --all, we are unable to retrieve any images. We also tried using the ROS node, but that did not work either.

To diagnose the issue, we ran the diagnostic tool, and I have attached the diagnostic file for your reference.

We would appreciate your assistance in determining whether the new cable we purchased is the source of the problem. If that is the case, could you advise us on where we can purchase additional compatible cables in Switzerland?

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards,
Jiaxu Xing

Hi @jiaxux
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

This seems a connection issue. How long is the new flat cable?

Hi Myzhar,
The cable is 120mm long. Here is the link to the flat cable we bought: https://www.mouser.ch/ProductDetail/640-522-D0127A4064T.

In case the cable was not correct, are there recommended cables to buy so that they fit nicely with the capture card and ZED camera?

I recommend using a shorter cable.
Please read more on the specific ZED Link documentation.

Thanks for the advice! Following your advice, we will plan to buy shorter cables (e.g., 50mm), do you think this cable will be suitable for the platform?


If you can confirm our choice, we will close the question.

Many thanks in advance!

Hi @jiaxux
can you please confirm your NVIDIA Jetson model, carrier board model, and ZED Link model?

  1. Jetson: We are using a Jetson Orin NX 16 GB.
  2. Carrier Board: we are using AIB-SN41-1-A1 (Aetina), link: AIB-SO21/31 | AIB-SN31/41. Since we already tested the carrier board before with the normal CSI2 cable, we can also confirm that the carrier board is not the cause and we contacted the producer Aetina that this board works with the ZEDX setting.
  3. ZED link: We are using the Mono Capture card.

Hi @jiaxux
thank you for the information. The short cable that you linked should work correctly.