- gpu_id: -1
- base_frame: 'base_link' # must be equal to the frame_id used in the URDF file
- sdk_verbose: 1 # Set verbose level of the ZED SDK
- svo_compression: 2 # `0`: LOSSLESS, `1`: AVCHD, `2`: HEVC
- self_calib: true # enable/disable self calibration at starting
- camera_flip: 'AUTO' # camera flip mode: 'OFF', 'ON', 'AUTO'
- pub_resolution: 'CUSTOM' # The resolution used for output. 'NATIVE' to use the same `general.grab_resolution` - `CUSTOM` to apply the `general.pub_downscale_factor` downscale factory to reduce bandwidth in transmission
- pub_downscale_factor: 2.0 # rescale factor used to rescale image before publishing when 'pub_resolution' is 'CUSTOM'
- pub_frame_rate: 15.0 # frequency of publishing of video and depth data (see SDK API "InitParameters::grab_compute_capping_fps")
- svo_realtime: true # if true the input SVO will be played trying to respect the original framerate eventually skipping frames, otherwise every frame will be processed respecting the `pub_frame_rate` setting
- region_of_interest: '[]' # A polygon defining the ROI where the ZED SDK perform the processing ignoring the rest. Coordinates must be normalized to '1.0' to be resolution independent.
- #region_of_interest: '[[0.25,0.33],[0.75,0.33],[0.75,0.5],[0.5,0.75],[0.25,0.5]]' # A polygon defining the ROI where the ZED SDK perform the processing ignoring the rest. Coordinates must be normalized to '1.0' to be resolution independent.
- #region_of_interest: '[[0.25,0.25],[0.75,0.25],[0.75,0.75],[0.25,0.75]]' # A polygon defining the ROI where the ZED SDK perform the processing ignoring the rest. Coordinates must be normalized to '1.0' to be resolution independent.
- #region_of_interest: '[[0.5,0.25],[0.75,0.5],[0.5,0.75],[0.25,0.5]]' # A polygon defining the ROI where the ZED SDK perform the processing ignoring the rest. Coordinates must be normalized to '1.0' to be resolution independent.
- #video:
- depth:
- depth_stabilization: 1 # [0-100] - 0: Disabled
- openni_depth_mode: false # 'false': 32bit float meter units, 'true': 16bit uchar millimeter units