we are having an issue with zed2i on our jetson agx orin we have ros2 installed correctly our nodes are working but when we try to run " ros2 launch zed_wrapper zed_camera.launch.py camera_model:=zed2i" code we have this error even though camera connected and some codes can be executed from vscode.
we use JP 6.1
[component_container_isolated-2] [2024-11-28 13:52:24 UTC][ZED][INFO] [Init] Serial Number: S/N 39159302
[component_container_isolated-2] [2024-11-28 13:52:24 UTC][ZED][ERROR] [Object Detection] TensorRT library not found
[component_container_isolated-2] [2024-11-28 13:52:24 UTC][ZED][ERROR] [ZED] [Depth] NEURAL TRT NOT FOUND
[component_container_isolated-2] [2024-11-28 13:52:24 UTC][ZED][WARNING] CORRUPTED SDK INSTALLATION in sl::ERROR_CODE sl::Camera::open(sl::InitParameters)
[component_container_isolated-2] [2024-11-28 13:52:25 UTC][ZED][WARNING] [Init] Self-calibration failed. Point the camera towards a more textured and brighter area. Avoid objects closer than 1 meter (Error code: 0x03)
[component_container_isolated-2] [WARN] [1732801945.112425295] [zed.zed_node]: Error opening camera: CORRUPTED SDK INSTALLATION
[component_container_isolated-2] [INFO] [1732801945.112667022] [zed.zed_node]: Please verify the camera connection
[component_container_isolated-2] Movements detected during IMU initialization, please keep the camera steady
[component_container_isolated-2] [2024-11-28 13:52:30 UTC][ZED][INFO] Logging level INFO
[ERROR] [component_container_isolated-2]: process has died [pid 5906, exit code -11, cmd '/home/bylogix/ros2_humble/install/rclcpp_components/lib/rclcpp_components/component_container_isolated --ros-args -r __node:=zed_container -r __ns:=/zed'].
^C[WARNING] [launch]: user interrupted with ctrl-c (SIGINT)
[robot_state_publisher-1] [INFO] [1732801975.454970591] [rclcpp]: signal_handler(signum=2)
[INFO] [robot_state_publisher-1]: process has finished cleanly [pid 5904]