Converting .svo2 file to .svo file format


I recently started working with ZED camera and I’m processing .svo files for my application. I need to convert the recordings I have in.svo2 format to.svo files. Is there any code / executable tools for converting .svo2 file format to .svo file?

Hi @Kiruthiga,

We currently do not have such a feature out of the box, as we plan on focusing on support for SVO2.

A workaround way you could manage to probably perform this conversion however, would be to open an SVO, and run the SDK recording method, setting the ZED_SDK_SVO_VERSION=1 environment variable beforehand.

Hi @mattrouss ,

Thanks for your response. I’ve tried the suggested approach using ZED Explorer tool. But the recording button doesn’t seem to be active.


Hi @Kiruthiga,

I apologize I was mistaken, recording an SVO from an SVO input will not work.
I will log internally adding the SVO2 → SVO1 conversion feature to our backlog.