Capture card and zed X not detected

Hi Stereolabs community,
I have a Jetson orin 32 GB development kit flashed with Jetpack 5.1.2. I have flashed on eMMC. I have installed ZED SDK 4.0.8 and Corresponding ZEDX Drivers. But i cannot access the capture card or ZED X camera after installing everything.

Hi @vijayreddysamula
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

Please run the command sudo ZED_Diagnostic --dmesg and send the dmseg.log report file that it generates to

Hi Vijay,
thanks for the pictures.
I noticed that you are using the Quad GMSL2 capture card.
The driver that you downloaded from the website does not support it yet, the new drivers will be released in the next few days,

Meantime, you can use this beta version:
Please install it and reboot the Jetson to access your ZED X camera.

Best regards,


Walter Lucetti
Senior Computer Engineer
SDK / Robotics / HW
Stereolabs Support

I also just noted that you did not connect the power cable to the capture card (J10).
The ZED Link Quad requires external 9V-19V to work correctly.

Best regards


Walter Lucetti
Senior Computer Engineer
SDK / Robotics / HW
Stereolabs Support

Hi Walter,
Thank you for the help. Everything is working fine.

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