Can i send Zed 2i position data via wifi or internet?

I am working on Zed 2i and UE4.27. The type c cable is not long enough. can i connect the Zed 2i to an Intel NUC and send the Position and Rotation data via wifi or internet by using ZEDLiveLink.exe?
Or i have to use the Jesson TX2 to send data?

Is there any doc can guide me how to make it? Thanks.


Currently the best is to use a Jetson Nano /TX2-NX to stream the data from the camera to your PC that runs livelink.

This will captures images from the camera through the network, process the images and output a livelink stream to Unreal.

Note : If you need Jetson Plug-and-Play boxes, we also provide them on the website :

For what you want to do, the TX2-NX version is more than enough


Can we run the livelink on JetsonOrin itself?

We want to use JetsonOrin with zed camera to process and track, and only send skeleton points to unreal, in a high speed local network (for real-time animation).

Any hints on what lies ahead?


It’s not possible to use our livelink plugin on jetson. Unfortunately, it can’t be built for Jetson’s architecture, that’s a UE limitation.

One workaround is to stream the images of the zed camera to a Windows or Linux computer, that will run the live link sample. As you can guess, it will generate some latency as the image needs to be compressed/decompressed.

Stereolabs Support

Hi @BenjaminV ,

Thank you for your reply.

If you would not mind, I would like to further my understanding a bit: In my concept I thought, that livelink is a general plugin, and that ZEDlivelink on Jetson (or any device) would be an external application exporting the data (in the right format to be used in UE).

I am still struggling to understand, why it should not be possible to have a ZEDlivelink exporting skeleton data to any IP address that asks.

We are quite motivated, to process the image data right away on (mostly for latency issues as you pointed out, but also processed data would use less bandwidth). My question is what would not work out if we try to have ZEDlivelink on Jetson anyway, and if its something you would do where would you start?

Thank you very much to taking your time to read through this and reply.

Best regards

Hi @shams3049,

The issue is that, as far as we know, you can’t build a UE5 plugin for aarch64, as there are issues with some editor files needed, which applies to our plugin as well. The core problem is how we chose to do it in the first place, converting from ZED Body Tracking data to Live Link data format on the sender side. Now, we have some more experience and feedback with this, we want to change this core approach.

We’ll move towards a unified sender in the next releases, but for now, as I said in my answer to your GitHub issue, you’d have to do a sender like we do for Unity, and create a ZED SDK BT data receiver (e.g. via UDP like our unity livelink plugin) + Live Link converter for your UE5 app (so, integrated in the app so that it can build to any thing a normal UE5 project can, and you can have any Live Link feature (interpolation etc.).

Thanks for the questions, do not hesitate if you have more.


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