Camera not detected by ZED_SDK but is usable with generic camera software

Hello, I’m trying to connect my ZED camera to my computer however the ZED_SDK is unable to detect my ZED through a USB3.0 port. I can see the ZED camera under my device manager and I am able to access the stereo camera feed through the generic camera app on Windows too. Any suggestions?

I have attached my diagnostic results from the ZED Diagnostic tool. Thanks!

    "AI Models": {
        "info": [
            "MULTI CLASS DETECTION is not optimized",
            "MULTI CLASS MEDIUM DETECTION is not optimized",
            "MULTI CLASS ACCURATE DETECTION is not optimized",
            "HUMAN BODY FAST DETECTION is not optimized",
            "HUMAN BODY MEDIUM DETECTION is not optimized",
            "HUMAN BODY ACCURATE DETECTION is not optimized",
            "HUMAN BODY 38 FAST DETECTION is not optimized",
            "HUMAN BODY 38 MEDIUM DETECTION is not optimized",
            "HUMAN BODY 38 ACCURATE DETECTION is not optimized",
            "PERSON HEAD DETECTION is not optimized",
            "PERSON HEAD ACCURATE DETECTION is not optimized",
            "REID ASSOCIATION is not optimized",
            "NEURAL DEPTH is not optimized"
    "Camera Test": {
        "InternalDevicesCount": 1,
        "ZEDCount": 0,
        "error": [
            "<b>Camera not detected</b> <br/> Make sure the camera is plugged in or try another USB 3.0 port."
    "Devices": {
        "ASMediaFound": false,
        "CorruptedFirmware": false,
        "OC_Cam_Detected": false,
        "OtherUSBDevices": [
                "USBMode": 3,
                "USB_path": "/18",
                "bDescriptorType": 1,
                "bDeviceProtocol": 0,
                "bLength": 18,
                "bMaxPacketSize0": 9,
                "bNumConfigurations": 1,
                "bcdDevice": "2.4",
                "bcdUSB": "3.0",
                "bcdUSBClass": 0,
                "bcdUSBSubClass": 0,
                "busNumber": 3,
                "iManufacturer": 1,
                "iProduct": 2,
                "iSerial": 3,
                "idProduct": 790,
                "idVendor": 3034
        "USBList": [
                "USBMode": 3,
                "USB_path": "/20",
                "bDescriptorType": 1,
                "bDeviceProtocol": 1,
                "bLength": 18,
                "bMaxPacketSize0": 9,
                "bNumConfigurations": 1,
                "bcdDevice": "1.0",
                "bcdUSB": "3.0",
                "bcdUSBClass": 239,
                "bcdUSBSubClass": 2,
                "busNumber": 3,
                "device": "ZED",
                "iManufacturer": 1,
                "iProduct": 2,
                "iSerial": 0,
                "idProduct": "0xf580",
                "idVendor": "0x2b03"
                "USB_path": "/6",
                "idProduct": "0xce00",
                "idVendor": "0x048d"
                "USB_path": "/18",
                "idProduct": "0x0316",
                "idVendor": "0x0bda"
                "USB_path": "/13",
                "idProduct": "0xb68b",
                "idVendor": "0x04f2"
                "USB_path": "/10",
                "idProduct": "0x6005",
                "idVendor": "0x048d"
                "USB_path": "/14",
                "idProduct": "0x0026",
                "idVendor": "0x8087"
                "USB_path": "/10",
                "idProduct": "0x6005",
                "idVendor": "0x048d"
                "USB_path": "/6",
                "idProduct": "0xce00",
                "idVendor": "0x048d"
        "USBMode": 3,
        "ZED Camera Module Detected": 62848,
        "ZEDDetected": true,
        "captureDevices": [
                "CompatibleIDs": "UMB\\",
                "Description": "WSD Scan Device",
                "DeviceName": "Brother MFC-J2720 [30055c59a4dd]",
                "Driver": "{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}\\0000",
                "Location": "",
                "Manufacturer": "Brother",
                "Name": "SWD",
                "PhysicalName": ""
        "controllers": [
                "CompatibleIDs": "",
                "Description": "USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)",
                "DeviceName": "",
                "Driver": "{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\\0004",
                "Location": "",
                "Manufacturer": "(Standard USB HUBs)",
                "Name": "USB",
                "PhysicalName": "\\Device\\USBPDO-1"
                "CompatibleIDs": "PCI\\VEN_10DE&DEV_1ADA&REV_A1",
                "Description": "USB xHCI Compliant Host Controller",
                "DeviceName": "NVIDIA USB 3.10 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)",
                "Driver": "{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\\0001",
                "Location": "PCI bus 1, device 0, function 2",
                "Manufacturer": "Generic USB xHCI Host Controller",
                "Name": "PCI",
                "PhysicalName": "\\Device\\NTPNP_PCI0021"
                "CompatibleIDs": "",
                "Description": "USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)",
                "DeviceName": "",
                "Driver": "{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\\0022",
                "Location": "",
                "Manufacturer": "(Standard USB HUBs)",
                "Name": "USB",
                "PhysicalName": ""
                "CompatibleIDs": "PCI\\VEN_8086&DEV_06ED&REV_00",
                "Description": "USB xHCI Compliant Host Controller",
                "DeviceName": "Intel(R) USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)",
                "Driver": "{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\\0000",
                "Location": "PCI bus 0, device 20, function 0",
                "Manufacturer": "Generic USB xHCI Host Controller",
                "Name": "PCI",
                "PhysicalName": "\\Device\\NTPNP_PCI0004"
                "CompatibleIDs": "PCI\\VEN_10DE&CC_0C0330",
                "Description": "USB xHCI Compliant Host Controller",
                "DeviceName": "NVIDIA USB 3.10 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)",
                "Driver": "{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\\0015",
                "Location": "PCI bus 1, device 0, function 2",
                "Manufacturer": "Generic USB xHCI Host Controller",
                "Name": "PCI",
                "PhysicalName": ""
                "CompatibleIDs": "",
                "Description": "USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)",
                "DeviceName": "",
                "Driver": "{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\\0006",
                "Location": "",
                "Manufacturer": "(Standard USB HUBs)",
                "Name": "USB",
                "PhysicalName": "\\Device\\USBPDO-2"
                "CompatibleIDs": "PCI\\VEN_8086&DEV_15E9&REV_06",
                "Description": "USB xHCI Compliant Host Controller",
                "DeviceName": "Intel(R) USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)",
                "Driver": "{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\\0003",
                "Location": "PCI bus 6, device 0, function 0",
                "Manufacturer": "Generic USB xHCI Host Controller",
                "Name": "PCI",
                "PhysicalName": "\\Device\\NTPNP_PCI0030"
        "notTested": [
            "Please connect a camera to test the USB connection."
    "Graphics Card": {
        "deviceCount": 1,
        "deviceDriverVersion": 12030,
        "devices": [
                "arch": "Turing",
                "computeCapability": "7.5",
                "cores": 3840,
                "name": "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060",
                "totalMemoryBytes": "6442123264",
                "totalMemoryMB": 6143.6875
        "initResult": 0,
        "valid": [
            "<b>Graphics card: </b> NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060"
    "Processor": {
        "OS": "Windows 10 FallCreators",
        "avxSupported": true,
        "coreCount": "8",
        "cpu": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10875H CPU @ 2.30GHz",
        "datetime": "2024-01-23 17:44:41",
        "hyperThreading": "1",
        "motherboard": "Standard, Standard",
        "ramCapacity": "15.836",
        "ramUsage": "0",
        "ramUsed": "6.39487",
        "threadCount": "16",
        "valid": [
            "<b>Processor: </b> Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10875H CPU @ 2.30GHz",
            "<b>Motherboard: </b> Standard, Standard"
    "ZED SDK": {
        "CUDA Toolkit version": "V12.1.66 -->located in C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v12.1/bin/nvcc.exe",
        "CUDA loading": false,
        "ZED SDK Version (Diag)": "4.0.8",
        "ZED SDK Version (RT)": "4.0.8",
        "ai": {
            "checkAI": true,
            "cudaVersion": 12000,
            "cudnnCudartVersion": 12000,
            "cudnnVersion": 8801,
            "cudnnVersionExpected": 8801,
            "tensorVersion": 8600
        "binFiles": [
        "driverVersion": "546.65",
        "drivervDllVersion": "",
        "resourcesFiles": [
        "resourcesFilesExpected": [
        "runtimeDllVersion": 12000,
        "valid": [
            "<b>ZED SDK version:</b> 4.0.8",
            "<b>CUDA version:</b> V12.1.66"

Hi @matt
Welcome to the StereoLabs community.

Can you please check that there is not an antivirus (usually Kaspersky) that blocks the activities of the ZED SDK?

Hi Myzhar, I have the same problem with Matt. My camera is Zed 1. Here’s my configuration info:
Zed SDK 4.0+(for CUDA 12)
CUDA version:12
GPU: RTX 3070
OS: windows 11

I guess there may be some backward compatibility issue with ZED1

Hi @randname
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.
You are using an old device that is out of production. I suspect the problem is different.
Please write an email to and attach the diagnostic report generated by the ZED Diagnostic tool.

Thank you. The Support team told me there could be some problem with my camera cable.

Hi @randname

I know, I’m a member of the support team.