When I use python code to capture the depth image, the depth image shown using opencv is as follows
But the depth image saved with the code is as follows
The array of depth images is as follows
‘depth’: array([[ nan, nan, nan, …, 28.595, 28.603, 28.603],
[ nan, nan, nan, …, nan, nan, nan],
[ nan, nan, nan, …, nan, nan, nan],
[ nan, nan, nan, …, 1.3295, 1.3295, 1.3297],
[ nan, nan, nan, …, 1.3327, 1.3328, 1.3347],
[ nan, nan, nan, …, 1.3333, 1.3347, 1.3349]], dtype=float32)
Why is this a problem, is it a problem with my depth image capture?
Here’s my code:
def main():
global image_net, exit_signal, run_signal, detections
capture_thread = Thread(target=torch_thread,
kwargs={‘weights’: opts.weights, ‘img_size’: opts.img_size, “conf_thres”: opts.conf_thres})
print("Initializing Camera...")
zed = sl.Camera()
input_type = sl.InputType()
if opts.svo is not None:
cv2.imwrite('./visualization/my_new_depth.png', depth_frame)