Balancing Colors Between Two ZED 2i Cameras with Different Sensors Capturing the Same Subject


I’m working with two ZED 2i cameras, one equipped with a 2.1 mm sensor and the other with a 4 mm sensor. Both cameras are simultaneously capturing the same subject from different viewpoints. However, I’ve noticed significant color discrepancies between the two cameras, which is affecting the consistency of the captured footage.

Could anyone advise on how to:

  1. Calibrate both cameras to achieve better color consistency while capturing the same subject?
  2. Use post-processing methods to align the color profiles between the two cameras and ensure more accurate color matching?

Thank you

Hi @Axelfooster
Welcome to the Stereolabs community.

When Automatic White Balance is enabled and two cameras have a different field of view, the procedure may generate different settings.

I recommend you set it to manual and use similar White Balance Temperatures to obtain similar images.

Hi @Myzhar,

Thank you for your suggestion! I’ve already executed different test by setting the white balance to manual and configured both cameras with the same or similar white balance temperature values. However, despite this adjustment, there are still noticeable differences in the colors captured by each camera.

Could there be other calibration factors or settings I might need to adjust to achieve better color consistency?

Alternatively, are there recommended post-processing workflows to further align the color profiles between the two cameras?

You can try to tune gamma, and saturation.

I recommend searching the internet for this because it seems a standard computer vision task not strictly related to ZED cameras.