What I am trying to achieve is that the virtual camera attaches to a specific BP_Manny socket once it is spawned, and if the BP is not detected anymore, to returns to its original position. I have tried several approaches.
As a first option I created a second camera directly from the BP_ZED_Manny, but this doesn’t give me the smooth camera movement I need and I would be switching from one camera to another. In this case what I need is for the same camera to attach and detach when the skeleton is spawned.
I am trying to get inside of the virtual camera when the skeleton is spawned and then attach it to a socket.
Inside the virtual camera I created a variable of type BP_ZED_Manny, then I access the socket I want, and when the skeleton is visible I ask it to set it as the relative location of the camera.
So far it looks like this, but I haven’t managed to move it. Please help :((
That looks like an interesting project.
What’s the current output, what’s happening on the screen?
Are you able to make what you want without using the ZED plugin? (instantiating a camera and moving it across actors’ sockets?)
I would start by doing that, as the issue seems less related to the ZED plugin than it is to an implementation problem.
We (Stereolabs) will be happy to help with any ZED-related question though!
That being said, you might get help from other users for the implementation, but sorry, we can’t take the time to answer issues not directly related to ZED.
Thank you for your response! As you said, it was not a problem with the ZED implementation but with how I was communicating the BPs with each other. I got it done Thanks for the advice.
What I’m doing is something like a parallax effect that changes according to the body position.
Now i Have a new issue regarding this topic that involves ZED implementation.
The camera moves with a keyboard input, I want my skeletal mesh (body tracking) to spawn at the location where the camera is located when it is detected.
For this I have tried inside BP_SDK_ Skeleton to take the current position in the world of my camera in scene and put it as spawn transform as it is in the image. I had no results as the skeleton spawns back to (0,0,0).
I have tried something similar inside BP_bodyTracking_Visualizer with no results. I see that both BP_BodyTracking_Visualizer, BP_SDK_skeleton and BP_SDk_skeleton_visualizer have location variables that are being activated for the actor spawn. But I don’t get where the spawn world position of the Skeleton Blueprint is being set from.
Thank you for your response! As you said, it was not a problem with the ZED implementation but with how I was communicating the BPs with each other. I got it done Thanks for the advice. What I’m doing is something like a parallax effect that changes according to the body position, I’m very happy with how I’m integrating the project with ZED2