An error about sl::CustomBoxObjectData

I am using SDK v3.8.2 on Windows11
I’m making my own recognizer according to this tutorial

But I found that sl::CustomBoxObjectData seems to have some exceptions:

bounding_box_2d [capacity] has an incorrect value, so that an error occurs when it is released.
I don’t know whether this is caused by the Windows platform, but this problem is inevitable, so it can’t be carried out at all.

int main() {
    sl::CustomBoxObjectData tmp;

Just such simple code will also throw an exception at the end of the method.

what is the output of this code?

int main() {
    sl::CustomBoxObjectData tmp;

    if (tmp.bounding_box_2d.size() != 4)
        std::cout << "wrong size " << tmp.bounding_box_2d.size() << "\n";

    return 0;

the default constructor should init the size of the bounding_box_2d to 4.

int main() {
    sl::CustomBoxObjectData tmp;
    std::cout << "size(): " << tmp.bounding_box_2d.size() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "capacity(): " << tmp.bounding_box_2d.capacity() << std::endl;

    return 0;
size(): 0
capacity(): 18446743830405820717

exit code: -1073740791 (0xC0000409)

It looks like you are in debug,
in this case the std::vector might not behave as expected, change to Release or RelWithDebInfo.

oh After I changed to Release, it ran successfully!
Thank you!

size(): 4
capacity(): 4