About body tracking parameters

Hi, I am trying to do bodytracking with moving cameras. But when I am trying to run bodytracking sample on github (sample) my speed values comes wrongly.
And the windows opened in the python application are not like in the video on the bodytracking page. As you can see in the video, the field seems to have been mapped before. and I don’t quite understand what the white lights behind the actors do, but that’s not in the sample. Can I please know the parameters given while running this?
I added the video below

basketball court

Hi @emrekocdemir,

The parameters seem to be Body 18, on a 1080p 30fps SVO.
This is an old video, a lot has changed since then, but the results should be reproducible or better now.

  • When you say the white lights, what do you mean? The points are the keypoints tracked by the SDK.
  • If you compute the speed not using the velocity, but by setting the reference frame to World and getting the position of the bodies or bodies’ [0] keypoint, do you still get bad results?
    This will help us pinpoint and propose a solution for this.

Thanks in advance and sorry for the inconvenience.

If you compute the speed not using the velocity, but by setting the reference frame to World and getting the position of the bodies or bodies’ [0] keypoint, do you still get bad results?

Actually I tried this reference frame world yesterday on object tracking person filter but box moves to right and dissapears but speed values are so much better. This morning I tried this with Bodytracking its working great using velocity. Thank you for quick respond.

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