"Packaging error and runtime error."

“Previously, when I attempted to package Unreal Engine without making any changes, it was successful. However, after customizing some features and attempting to package again, I encountered a packaging failure. Furthermore, the previously packaged executable (exe) program is no longer functional. Below is the log for the non-functional program. So, I am seeking your advice. Please let me know if you need any additional information.”

LowLevelFatalError [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp] [Line: 65]
SECURE CRT: Invalid parameter detected.
Expression: Unknown Function: Unknown. File: Unknown Line: 0

Hi @cyx,

To be clear, the application packages correctly without changes but fails to package if you change some features, is that it?

  • What version of the ZED SDK and UE5 plugin are you using?
  • What changes did you make exactly? Are you able to reproduce this behavior with minimal changes?

In the past, it was possible to package without any changes, but after I customized some features, I couldn’t package anymore. Moreover, the previously successfully packaged applications cannot be opened, as mentioned earlier, with the error message shown above. I am using the latest version of the SDK and plugins. I only added some custom components and logic to the ZEDpawn camera that provides location in the scene.

Are you using Dx12 by any chance?

If that’s the case, can you try switching to Dx11 and try again?
The working/not working issue when closing/restarting the engine reminds me of something happening with Dx12 and some hardware, but I could be way off.

I switched to Direct11 a long time ago, and there is another thread that explains this operation. So I don’t think this is the reason.

I attempted to download a new sample file, right-clicked on the ZEDSamples.uproject file in the project’s root directory, and selected “Generate Visual Studio project files” from the context menu. However, when I opened Visual Studio and tried to compile, I received the following message and couldn’t debug.

错误 C1083 无法打开编译器中间文件: “H:\UE5Project\鍘嬬缉鍖匼zed-UE5-main\zed-UE5-main\Intermediate\Build\Win64\ZEDSamplesEditor\Development\Engine\SharedPCH.Engine.NoUndef.InclOrderUnreal5_0.h.pch”: No such file or directory ZEDSamples H:\UE5Project\压缩包\zed-UE5-main\zed-UE5-main\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\c1xx 1
错误 C1083 无法打开编译器中间文件: “H:\UE5Project\鍘嬬缉鍖匼zed-UE5-main\zed-UE5-main\Intermediate\Build\Win64\ZEDSamplesEditor\Development\UnrealEd\SharedPCH.UnrealEd.NoUndef.InclOrderUnreal5_0.h.pch”: No such file or directory ZEDSamples H:\UE5Project\压缩包\zed-UE5-main\zed-UE5-main\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\c1xx 1
错误 C1083 无法打开编译器中间文件: “H:\UE5Project\鍘嬬缉鍖匼zed-UE5-main\zed-UE5-main\Intermediate\Build\Win64\ZEDSamplesEditor\Development\Engine\SharedPCH.Engine.InclOrderUnreal5_0.h.pch”: No such file or directory ZEDSamples H:\UE5Project\压缩包\zed-UE5-main\zed-UE5-main\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\c1xx 1
错误 MSB3073 命令“D:\Program Files\UE_5.1\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat ZEDSamplesEditor Win64 Development -Project=H:\UE5Project\压缩包\zed-UE5-main\zed-UE5-main\ZEDSamples.uproject -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild”已退出,代码为 6。 ZEDSamples C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 44

"If I double-click to open the .uproject file, an issue occurs:

he following modules are missing or built with a different engine version.
Would you like to rebuild them now?

I think this kind of issue has been reported with Windows 11 not long ago, we’re investigating this.
We’ve been able to run it correctly on W11 on our side (with the popup prompting to rebuild some modules, but the rebuilding went well).

  • Are you using Windows 11 or 10?
  • Which version of Unreal Engine? We’ve recently migrated to 5.2 so it might be this too.
  • Do you have enough space on your hard drive?

win10,version 5.1 .have enough space 2t

Is it possible you try downloading and using Unreal 5.2 with the last version of the plugin?

ok,i will try it 好的我会尝试的,

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