Ingest error occurred when ingesting GNSSdata: NO NEW DATA AVAILABLE

Hello @Moh96

Actually, the error message ‘Ingest error occurred when ingesting GNSSData: no new data available’ indicates that the timestamp in the current sl::GNSSData is the same as the previous sl::GNSSData. It’s important to determine if this error occurs with every call to fusion.ingestGNSSData(input_gnss) or if it only happens occasionally.

To verify this, you can print the timestamp present in the sl::GNSSData. Each call to fusion.ingestGNSSData(input_gnss) should have a different timestamp.

Regarding your question about the delay of the response, it should be relatively quick. The speed depends on the synchronization module between VIO (Visual-Inertial Odometry) and GNSS, but typically, it takes about 1 to 2 frames, depending on your camera’s frame rate.

As for your question about SVO and GNSS files, we do have some internally. However, I’m not certain if I can share them. I will check and I get back to you.