How to rotate skeletons around global frame

@BenjaminV @JPlou It doesn’t work creating a parent object to the avatars as it seems their positions are set as global positions. You can see me trying to edit the position of the “All nurses” parent object without it affecting the avatars position/rotation in the video below. I am using your Unity livelink sample ( stereolabs/zed-unity-livelink: ZED Livelink plugin for Unity ( Q:

  1. What do I need to edit to give the avatars positions locally with respect to its parent? I’ve tried changing the code in SkeletonHandler.cs UpdateAvatar() from transform.position to transform.localPosition and in MoveAvatar() from transform.SetPositionAndRotation to transform.SetLocalPositionAndRotation but it makes no difference.
  2. How must I alter the code if I instead should change rotation and position by multiplying with some orientation? The problem I’ve found previously doing that is that I rotate the avatar in place and not around a given point, so I get this funky movement as displayed in the video in this post: [Unity Livelink] Position and rotate avatars to the physical room - Stereolabs Forums
