April 14, 2023, 11:59am
how do you get thoses values ?
To get the depth values you shoudl retrieve the MEASURE::DEPTH which is a one channel matrix containing Z values.
It looks like you display Point Cloud values from this sample:
zed.retrieve_image(image, sl.VIEW.LEFT)
# Retrieve depth map. Depth is aligned on the left image
zed.retrieve_measure(depth, sl.MEASURE.DEPTH)
# Retrieve colored point cloud. Point cloud is aligned on the left image.
zed.retrieve_measure(point_cloud, sl.MEASURE.XYZRGBA)
# Get and print distance value in mm at the center of the image
# We measure the distance camera - object using Euclidean distance
x = round(image.get_width() / 2)
y = round(image.get_height() / 2)
err, point_cloud_value = point_cloud.get_value(x, y)
distance = math.sqrt(point_cloud_value[0] * point_cloud_value[0] +
point_cloud_value[1] * point_cloud_value[1] +
point_cloud_value[2] * point_cloud_value[2])
point_cloud_np = point_cloud.get_data()
if not np.isnan(distance) and not np.isinf(distance):
print("Distance to Camera at ({}, {}) (image center): {:1.3} m".format(x, y, distance), end="\r")
In this case the Depth (Z) is the 3rd value. Its unit depends the InitParameters you set.