ZED MINI , Unity 2021 and Oculus Rift

I have an Oculus Rift plus ZED Mini and Windows 10 PRO.
The ZED Mini Sampels work fine with Unity 2019 and the XR setting “Oculus” at Player.
If I create a new project with Windows 2021, import ZED_Unity_Plugin_v3.5.2.unitypackage, what do I have to do that the samples run correctly?
I go to Edit Projet Settings and activate XR-Plugin Management for Oculus.
When I start the Solar System example, something happens to the Oculus Rift, but I don’t see anything in the Rift.
I still have to adjust or import something ?
Thanks for any help



Can you try to set the StereoMode to “Multipass” in the Xr plugin settings ?

If it is not fixing your problem, can you tell me which Unity and Oculus version you are using to help me reproduce the issue.


Best regards,
Benjamin Vallon

Hey Benjamin thanks for your support.
Yes Mulitpass ist default aktiv, here is a picture:

My Unity Version : 2021.1.17f1
Oculus Version 32.0

I still have to install something from Oculus to make it work.




Yes you still need to install the Oculus integration package.

Best regards,
Benjamin Vallon

thanks, i will test it. But I have another problem with the Diagnostic program:

This is my Cuda Version : cuda_11.4.1_471.41_win10.exe

Is that OK



For the moment, the ZED SDK is not compatible with cuda 11.4.
You need the exact same version as cuda as the ZED SDK. In your case, you need cuda 11.1.

With the 3.6 release, all the 11.x versions of Cuda will be merged into a single ZED SDK installer (except 11.0).

Best regards,
Benjamin Vallon

Thanks for your support.

Oculus Rift now works properly with the sample.

I can uninstall cuda and install the 1.x versions. What impact does the wrong Cuda version have on development with Unity and Unreal?

I got my HTC Vive PRO 2 today. Do I still have something to install here as with the Rift, that the samples run?




If you don’t have the correct cuda version, the ZED SDK won’t be able to run properly, so does the Unity plugin.

The HTC headsets are using the SteamVR plugin instead of the oculus integration.
Therefore you need to install that, and if you are not using an Oculus anymore, remove the oculus integration from your project to reduce the potentials conflicts.

Best regards,